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Paul Hallam discovered mod in 1980. A bit late, you might think, but there was a scene brewing and Hallam caught it verite-style on a rubbish camera in the days before everyone was armed with one. 

Here are the results in glorious mono (chrome). Lads in three-button Jam-me-downs, girls with geometric bobs and French crops, Italian knitwear, incongruous Peter Pan collars, a leather pork pie, plastic glasses, awkward-looking dancing, and some looks that perhaps would have been laughed out of the Scotch Of St James’ but which made the scene here. 


These are clubs and clubbers, but not as we know them today. The past 35 years have stripped the kids of their innocence and these modernists looked far younger than their, er, modern equivalent. If you were at these dos, living the 60s in the 80s, you’ll be fascinated; the rest of us can only wonder what it would have been like had this been the dominant subculture… or maybe it was: Hallam has long since become a major face as a DJ. 

Odds and Sods - Paul Hallam

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